Spencer Buyansky


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I have a passion for visual data representation in an easy to use yet informative way. This passion bore two projects:

AtlasElect which is a visual and interactive history of the United States electorate. The maps use a Scalable Vector Graphics and JavaScript frontend with a PHP backend for the electoral data which is stored in a MySQL database.

Road to the Finals which is an interactive version of this image that I found one day on the internet. It plays out the NBA playoffs by day back to 1984. (Before that the rules for playoffs were different, but I intend to add the rest of the playoffs soon.) It uses JSON to store the data then JavaScript for animation and visualization.



University of Wisconsin-Madison, Class of 2014
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, May 2014



  • Party in the Park

    Founded by two of my best friends after losing a friend to suicide, Party in the Park is a student-led organization that aims to bring a voice to struggling teens and break the culture of stigma surrounding mental illness.

    Party in the Park